Vijay Salgaonkar (played by the ever-reliable Ajay Devgn), the seemingly quiet, humble cable operator from Goa, finds his life once again thrown into chaos. After the events of the last case (from Drishyam), Vijay and his family have been living in a semblance of normalcy. His wife, Nandini, and their two daughters, have started to regain a sense of peace after the traumatic events they went through. Vijay has been keeping a low profile, focusing on his family and his work.
However, an old skeleton from the past resurfaces when a new investigation begins to unfold in the quiet town of Goa. This time, it isn’t just a murder tied to his family’s secrets — it’s a powerful, influential figure who was involved in an unsolved crime from years ago. The victim was a corrupt politician who had many enemies, and a dedicated young police officer, Inspector Arun Deshmukh (a newcomer), is hell-bent on uncovering the truth.
Stars Cast : Shriya Saran, Ajay Devgn, Tabu
Genre: Thriller, Drama, Mystery
Director: Abhishek Pathak